Scientific paper - Ressources

DCE-MRI Assessment of Responses to Hormonotherapy

Circle Oncodesign Services

DCE-MRI Assessment of Responses to Hormonotherapy in Prenical Breast and Prostate Cancer models in Rats

Authors: O Duchamp, P Walker, A Bataille, P Genne, F Brunotte, F Bichat, N Just, N Guilbaud
Oncodesign; Laboratory of Biophysics, Faculty of Medicine, Dijon

Abstract: Angiogenesis has been shown to be an essential factor for tumour growth and development. Recent studies have reported that estrogen regulates angiogenesis in breast cancer, although the mechanism is not yet clearly defined. Several hormonodependent tumour models which have been developed in rodents and characterized, could be particularly helpful to study this phenomenon in vivo.

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